Chelsea Grin - "Ashes to Ashes"

Chelsea Grin have certainly come a long way since the release of their debut. "Ashes to Ashes" picks up where the EP left off with comparable (but minimal) melodies and intricate musicianship. It's worth noting that the triple guitar assault of 7 strings is still in full armor, but the crew has finally mastered their gear and it's brutally evident. Meticulous leads doodle in practically every song, adding depth to each track. The drums have especially evolved since the addition of Pablo Viveros and he's enough of a reason to make it to their next show. The lyrics however have gotten exceptionally cheesey and it really is a shame that Alex Koehler hasn't experienced any substantial development in the past several years like the rest of the band. Truly exceptional for a deathcore release and tons of fun, Chelsea Grin should now make an effort to draft Phil Bozeman, as White Chapel has done the opposite of this outfit and declined in musical intricacy.

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