Young And In The Way "When Life Comes To Death"

When Life Comes To Death may have been out for over a year now, but it's not to say it's lost its influence on the current scene. With press about YAITW covering everything from their unique blackened crust grind (I don't know, check out Wikipedia for more clarity) to them throwing animal blood in that one small venue in North Carolina that may or may not be open anymore, it's tough to let the music speak for itself. A good majority of the songs here are in and out and display a wide range of aggressive tones. Blast beats, distorted bass, wailing guitars and assorted screams cater to the ears in just about every song, but aside from When Life... beats you upside the head, there's a more artistic display at work here. Something alluring about the live show that can't be negotiated (I saw them at the Acheron a few months back - no, no animal blood), something about the lyrics that's just captivating and something about the frontman wearing a cloak the entire time before their set then playing the entire set covered in dirt while their bassist wears a ski mask the whole time. It's all really expressive and highly captivating. Check out this Deathwish bad boy for rage fueled intensity. I call it aggressive grind. To hell with this black crust burnt pizza label. We've practically lost our minds with the hipster subgenres. 

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