Expire "With Regret"

The fact that the band intends to throw in the towel after what just might be their best batch of tracks yet is absolutely ridiculous. But, leave it to the road dogs to know when to walk away safely from a violent scene that has them out on the road 300+ days a year.
     Expire is probably one of the hardest working bands in the business. Their insane tour schedule alone has the band out of the house more times than the average American hits the grocery store. With Regret finds the group churning their brand of contemporary classic HXC with a punch. Album opener "Fighting The Slip" wastes no time in rocking the house, while "Medicine" is an instant classic that easily could've been found on Pendulum Swings.
     While there's slight maturation to be found, none of it matters when the band self-proclaims their last release. We're left with Stone and endless memories, but it's obvious that this is an essential release for fans of anything hardcore that certainly won't be disappointed with what the boys decided to come up with for one last round in the ring.

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