Gwar "House Of Vans, 2016"

Gwar - w/Mutoid Man & Darkest Hour (House of Vans, Brooklyn, NY 10/29/16)

What a sad state this band has found themselves in. While the night was a true party, sponsored by Goose Island and free entry to boot, the opening acts played well and average for true rockers. Gwar at the end of it all, seems like a true PG affair post-Oderus, with concept and content being watered down and thoughtless beyond repair. The vocals are atrocious, with Blothar babbling lamely over hits like "Saddam A Go-Go" and ruining their wild essence. His stage presence lacks drastically and highlights the rest of the band's stagnant movement and oafish sways. It's great to get a glimpse of what life after the man is like for the band, but it's hardly a substitute if not another element completely derived from the original.

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