I’ve been along for the ride since 7744, and carried along well into Hell Songs. I loved As The Sun Sets’ brand of techy grindcore mashed with math metal and packed with blast beats. I didn’t appreciate the band’s name change, and always thought it was a weird thing they did, especially that they released a record immediately after their name change that sounded almost exactly like their former selves. After that, I lost track of Daughters. Their 2010 record was barely glanced over, and they played a few shows, striking comments of their former contributions to the scene, creating a buzz and a demand for new music throughout the years. Well, it took almost a decade, but alas! the band delivers themselves anew, and this time in different form.
What we have here is an about-face that finds the band in completely different form. Exposing a side of themselves that’s ultra-dark and super creepy, the band delivers a highlight for the Halloween season, in a spooky audio experience that could fit well as the backdrop of a haunted house. There’s a few moments where the band comes clashing like a metal band, but those spurts are essentially very few and far between, and it’s mostly this art-rock display that finds the band delving into for the majority of the record. It’s a hard listen, almost like Fantomas’ Delirium Cordia, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the year’s most interesting records and a highlight in the band’s already long career.
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