The Best Of - 2022

It’s over. 181 reviews later. I’ve got nothing left on my list. There’s always that one surprise record that drops that spoils this, but for those who don’t know I legit manage a notes app all year (and have been for EIGHT YEARS!) while I keep up to date with upcoming releases. So I tend to get excited around December when that list starts to include releases for the following year. This is a practice I’ve kept up with for over twenty years that started in high school planners since I began geeking out over this scene. 2022’s collection brought a wide variety, aside from that insane deathcore drop in January, and only 14 releases being 3’s, as well as two personal releases from both Court Order and Purity Test. Some really special stuff came out this year and I’m very excited to unveil my choice for Album Of The Year!

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