After The Burial "Dig Deep"

After The Burial are celebrating a decade long career with Dig Deep and the accomplishment achieved on this gem is truly one of the best in their catalogue.
     Although the band has been operating in the same capacity since Rareform's re-release, the last two albums have been teetering where Dig Deep finally manages to reach. "Collapse" carries the album as the most intense opener since their debut, and "Mire" is borderline Textures in its delivery, showcasing skills on the drums that haven't been cloned much since Meshuggah's I arrived on earth almost ten years ago. "Laurentian Ghosts" finally lets the group find a new gem to chug insanely on tour with a luscious melody as a suitable backdrop. 
     The dual eight strings are caught in their most ambitious and the production is warm and lush, pushing the glassy kick drum sound and metallic picking to the background, as the bass packages each track to proper levels.
     The group has gone through turmoil and much can be said about what future releases without Justin will bring, but for now his legacy lives on in these nine tracks which stand high above anything else the band has produced. Do not overlook this latest installment in ATB's already impressive catalogue.

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