Fleshgod Apocalypse "King"

The symphonic territory is always a slippery slope in the metal realm. Although Fleshgod have embraced this variable for years, they still fall alongside comparisons to Dimmu Borgir and black metal veterans Cradle Of Filth. Even though their vocal delivery is highly variant from death metal bellows to operatic tenor, Fleshgod have always been on the cusp of a masterpiece.
     On King, the group soars in ruthless pummeling. "Mitra" is a brutal track, fine tuning one of the group's most persistent beat downs. Often focusing on atmospheric build ups that either rely on the strings or keys to explode, the group doesn't sway from what they do best. On "Paramour..." the group is probably found to be their most courageous with a mythical display by a female opera singer throughout the entire track, which really splits the album in an interesting place.
     While the rest of the album continues to go from the otherworldly to the most sinister, it's often too much at times, and for the average metalhead even the heaviest moments may be a little too colorful to be considered intense. Although Fleshgod are true professionals and are growing in towers with each release, King is just missing the powerful leads and harmonies in the songwriting department to make this album a masterpiece.

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