Rinoa "Rinoa"

For those who totally overlooked this band like I did, please don't continue wasting time without taking time to connect with this release. Part Evelyn, Part Poison The Well, Riona are everything that's right with the hardcore scene.
     This self titled gem is only a few tracks in length and doesn't waste a moment getting into gear. The strums and the all out rock vibe that's captured here is an essence I haven't heard since Snapcase kicked the bucket over ten years ago. While some of the tracks seems intimidating in length, the songwriting is so punctual and on point that there doesn't seem to be a droning moment whatsoever.
     Album closer "Atlantis" is the true standout track with a sick chord progression we've all riffed a million times on our acoustics behind closed doors but could never get the right group of guys to execute.

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