Angel Du$t "Rock The Fuck On Forever"

It truly is a remarkable moment when a band can emerge amongst the hardcore and punk community and be so incredibly original and refreshing to set itself apart from everything else in the market. As much as Angel Du$t have in common with their colleagues is that they all play music together.
     For those familiar with the band, you will find a refined form on RTFOF, having mastered their already polished blend of Americana sing alongs on their excellent A.D. The fact that the band has been able to pinpoint exactly what makes them so effective and catapult these elements on their latest release is absolutely spectacular. Track by track, each tune has its own treat and the album is so brief that it would be an injustice to spoil the magic of a first listen. I still can't help but find elements of Gwar in their influence, as the vocals are highly reminiscent of the late Dave Brockie's "Oo Oo Oo's." Obviously, drastically different in lyrical content, Angel Du$t focus on life and our persistence of fun in the fast lane.
     Everything from the choruses, to the grooves, to the special sax performance are so well done, that it's surprising that the band hasn't emerged as one of the leading heavyweights on their third LP. Perhaps it will take time to build a following, perhaps they already have. I've seen the band perform to an empty room in Brooklyn, and was still impressed with their delivery. Maybe this latest run with Terror and Harms Way is the missing piece, and aside such a strong record, it's only persistence that's necessary for the group to achieve unmatched levels of success. Simply bravo. Rock The Fuck On Forever.

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