Rob Zombie "The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser"

Years removed from anything that's relevant in the extreme metal community, Zombie seems it's necessary to dish out another collection of that ripped apart buzzsaw guitar sound, and tribal drum sensation that fans apparently can't seem to get enough of that makes ol' boy keep pumping out these pointless albums for thousands of scans for someone's glorious payday or a label's secret agenda.
     The intro repeats the Dr. Seuss song title that could fit on an Emmure album with ease and the next track stalls with almost Sublime-like rhythms and samples. "The Life And Times Of A Teenage Rock God" is pretty much "Down With The Sickness" and it's almost impossible to make it through these brainless anthems. "Well Everybody's Fucking..." had me go for the volume knob, but like a car crash, I truly couldn't turn away. The rest of the album just loiters along with endless loops and clips and it's blatantly obvious this media is right alongside Zombie's other pursuits in television and film. 
     Zombie is a genius. Let's make sure we get that straight. His ability to time deepen alongside touring, film, writing, producing, editing, and family life is simply beyond what most mortals are capable of comprehending in this lifetime. But when it comes to his music, it may be best to just hit the road with his classic catalogue, and keep out of the studio when it comes to generating new music. This one's super painful, and it's obvious why Disturbed's been headlining. This one's truly for children.

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