World Eater "The Path"

World Eater are solid meat and potato with sound production and a ruthless message for a jaded scene. This is the necessary band to wake up the room when This Is Hardcore starts to get so jaded that kids aren't dancing anymore. Not that there's ever a shortage of ruthless ass kicking at the annual event, but World Eater are a little sharper and much more refined than their peers in the competition.
     The Path plays on a sound we've all come to adore (see Expire, Backtrack, Incendiary, etc.) and World Eater certainly won't reinvent the iPhone with tracks like "Prove You Wrong" that are torn right out of the Terror dictionary. While the poetic content can certainly use a fine tooth comb, this is certainly not as foundational and elementary as God's Hate or Xibalba, which I consider to be the ultimate Neanderthals of the business. Not that there's anything wrong with being a caveman, it's just it might be time to set the bar, or perhaps create a range meter for the sea of monotony in the land of traditional hardcore.

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