Carbomb "Meta"

The math metal scene of the early 2000's never materialized into much with bands like Into The Moat, Ion Dissonance and TN12LLY never really amounting to much with their sounds driving them off of a cliff and only a recent resurgence of the latter even mattered enough to make a sprinkle on current release days. To even mention those guys in a Carbomb review after their latest release is almost offensive. While the band may have been bred from the osmosis and the creation of math metal, Carbomb's  sound since their 2007 Relapse Records release Centralia has always remained constant to its riff bending, slow loaf down the fretboard alongside their mind altering, polyrhythmic brutality of staccato drums and chug alongs. 
      What we have here is such an animated angle to their sound, with melodic undertones and brutal annihilation to boot in their aid. It's worth noting that the first five tracks on this release instantly catapult Meta into the year's top five. While the overwhelming impact of the album being a Carbomb release washes off after half a dozen tracks, it doesn't make the release any less captivating and by the time "Sets" plumps out a little jazz interlude, the pummeling has already so thoroughly rummaged through, that the last three tracks have to be left in mystery as to their contributions to the release. "Lights Out" is so ridiculously riffagly mind bendingly brutal, that it's almost laughable not to measure it up to some of the metal scene's most eclectic multi dynamic elements. It's got Mike Patton era Dillinger, it's got Deftones oriented strumming, It's got "Bleed" style double bass alongside Fear Factory like triplet riffage, which culminate in the best sounds of metal in one concise release. Meta is a strong contender for album of the year at a time where audio entertainment sounds like everything has already been done as far as range in aggressive soundscapes and the boundaries couldn't keep getting pushed any further. Alas, they finally have.

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