It’s certainly been a wild ride since Changes. The band’s debut was so intense and ahead of it’s competition that even the band didn’t seem like they could keep it together after its release. Almost immediately after, the lineup started to crumble, from the front to the back, until the band found a permanent face for a few records that saw many different execution styles on the band’s signature melodic, breakdown infused metalcore. While the catalogue is filled with highs and supreme lows (the entirety ofWasted Youth, in my opinion), it wasn’t until Rhuling returned to the band on Heavy Hearts, which found the band’s vision crafted with perfection. Now on the act’s sixth record, the outfit knows how to craft their intentions to fruition and write a highly effective record, one of their best, if not the strongest release since their debut.
Six is unlike any other For The Fallen Dreams record, in that it infuses a pop sheen into their brand of core that hovers over most of the tracks that wasn’t prevalent prior. The synths, electronics, melodic vocals, and earthly chord progression, make the band stand front and center to craft their sound on a new playing field. “Two Graves” is a perfect example of the band writing another signature FTFD song, enhanced by this new feature.
The production stages the band much higher than they’ve been perceived before, and even past forty minutes, the record doesn’t get stale. In fact, it’s packed with lush variables that enhance the auditory experience, but more importantly, it seems like when it comes to the actual performance of individual vocals, guitars, and drums, that everyone is doing exactly what they want and do best. No one is reinventing themselves here to drive scans or sales. Instead it seems like a natural, mature evolution for a band that’s been slugging it out for over a decade and finally seem to have an idea of where they want to take their focus to next. This one is highly recommended.
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