Nights Like These “The God City Session”

The band released their debut metalcore opus titled “The Faithless” in 2006, toured a bit, then all but disappeared and released a few records that were all very different from one another in the years that followed that seemed to bury the band’s relevancy and extinguish any excitement in their catalog. Almost twenty years later, we find out that NLT apparently recorded their LP with Kurt Ballou at God City and for whatever reason, the label canned it. So here we are! And here are the songs and this is the album, and well, if you never listened to it you probably should as most bands are ripping this off left and right and giving it very little credit. I don’t feel any different about this batch than I did about the OG and I think it’s a pivotal release in the metalcore landscape. NTL just need to write a new heavy record and everything will be ok. Not really sure why we’re rehashing nonsense. But, If you have time, go through their catalog. You’ll probably get as frustrated as I am with their songs if you take an active interest in what you’re into. If anything, this gives me an opportunity to highlight the band, because in the ten years I’ve been writing here, I very rarely look in the rearview unless I’m referencing something in a review.

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